TIP No. 5. Express passion for your subject matter.

It's ironic that this TED Talk should be Robbins's most-watched YouTube clip because he looks exhausted and like he slept in his clothes. Normally, Robbins tends to be meticulously polished, even when dressed casually.

However, the passion Robbins feels for his material shines through his rumpled appearance. He's energetic and focused, obviously committed to providing as much value as possible in such a short amount of time.

TIP No. 6. Set appropriate expectations.

More subtly, though, Robbins spends much of the first two minutes deconstructing the preconceptions the audience might have about him, while simultaneously focusing their attention on what they can potentially learn from him.

Unlike Robinson, who gently creates rapport to lower the barriers between himself and the audience, Robbins simply blasts through the barriers to get to his point. Either technique works; use the one that best fits your personality.


Public Speaking Tips - Example Two


Public Speaking Tips - Example Four